TRU Group Inc has a
distinctive capability
in Specialty Niche
Forest Based & Connected Industries

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TRU Group Forest Based & Connected Industries

Construction Materials + Forest Products + Pulp & Paper + Packaging

Related Input-Output Sectors • Emerging Technologies • Competing Materials
TRU Group forest pulp board paper industy consultant

TRU Group Inc

Pipes & Fittings Insulation
Plastic Products
Windows & Door
Passive Solar
Glass Fiber
Fiber Glass



Wood Panels


TRU Group Essample Assignment Project Engineering Paper Pulp

New Product Development and Market Study:TRU-group-photothermal-paper-process

Coated Paper and Coating Industry
TRU Group assessed technology efficacy value, and detailed competitiveness of a a “thermo-chromatic” laser marking method for printing and attendant new application for a photo-thermic paper coatings. Calculated the detailed cost for manufacturing the new coated paper versus conventional printing and writing papers. Examined the relative importance of the cost structure for commercialization of new photo-chromatic and thermal printing method. Reviewed market potential and barriers to product launch for the new product.

Plant Feasibility & Investment Strategy

Canada Newsprint Pulp & Paper Mill
TRU Group carried out a marketing and competition assessment aimed at determining the feasibility of building, and wholly owning, a US$280 million newsprint mill in Quebec, Canada. This was a detailed examination of the global markets and competition for newsprint including basic cost competitiveness of a North American newsprint complex.

Abaca Pulp Mill Feasibility

Ecuador Resource Development and Specialty Pulp Mill
TRU Group Inc conducted an international assessment of the abaca pulp market to determine the feasibilityTRU Group Abaca Pulp Mill of manufacture in Ecuador. Abaca pulp is uncommon and is used in the manufacture of specialty non-woven products such as special masks and filters. As there was do published data, this assignment involved very difficult intelligence gathering in person from the Far East, Europe and North America for both abaca fiber and abaca pulp. Attendant technical and economic studies were also undertaken.

Fine Writing and Printing Paper Industry Rationalization:

Industry and Government Initiative
TRU Group evaluated the strategic competitive position of the Canadian Fine Paper industry, on behalf of the Federal Government who were working with industry in an attempt to rationalize the fine paper industry. Examined markets, costs and company positioning in North America, and ranked the players based on competitive criteria. TRU Group Inc has conducted a variety of assignments in a wide cross-section of softwood & hardwood species in many different countries. Our president was Corporate Industrial Market Research for a $600 million diversified forest products company in north america.


World Wide Marketing of Specialty Products from Hardwood Species:

Chiloe Forest Resource Development
TRU Group conducted an international business assessment on the feasibility of producing and marketing a variety of wood/paper products - logs, lumber, veneer, plywood, pulp, paper - based on the Chiloe Island hardwood forest. Customers and trade factors were interviewed in person globally as the forest contain species that were not normally sold internationally. Forchil undertook one of Chile's largest forest developments. Forchil undertook one of Chile's largest forest developments. TRU subsequently worked with the Chilean company to negotiated distribution in the USA for the client.

Plastic, Fiberglass & Metal Bathware Assignments:

Competitive Manufacturing & Market Substitution
For American Standard, TRU Group undertook an study comparing metal versus FRP fiberglass reinforced and injection molded plastic bathware manufacturing. Made cost comparisons and assessed competitive markets and product trends. TRU Group Inc also undertook competitive market assessment for cultured marble washbasins (blend of polyester resin, catalyst, fillers and pigments).

Rockwool Insulation in USA:

Penetration Issue Assessment
TRU Group investigated and assessed a market penetration issues for a producer of a rockwool insulation product line. The product was technically superior but was not achieving the market penetration it should in the US market. TRU Group undertook a number of person interviews of trade factors and agents and made solid conclusions recommending market strategy changes. TRU Group Inc has conducted a variety of other assignments in insulation including in fiberglass (blown and batt), insulation boards, and a very in-depth assessment of the cellulose insulation industry.

Paper versus Plastic Bag Manufacturing Competitiveness:plastic & paper bag plant

Cost Viability and Plant Feasibility
TRU Group assessed the competitiveness of a regional paper bag & sack manufacturing facility compared to a plastic alternative to be shipped to the area. Evaluated production technologies and costs. Undertook market studies to determine customer acceptance of plastic versus paper. Made recommendations to client on feasibility and strategy for success. For more on plastics please view: Plastics and Paper TRU Group consultant Plastic Technology USA

Amazonian hardwood pulp, paper & wood products projects:

INDUPERU, Peru Feasibility Study - Domestic + International
TRU Group undertook two simultaneous assignments assessing all business aspects of developing the forest resource at Pucalpa and Iquitos. Detailed international and national surveys of the markets for pulp, paper and wood products were evaluated from a marketing, financial and technical viewpoint. Acceptability of unknown hardwood species was a key factor. Study included looking at transportation issues related to Amazon River navigation through Manaus, Brazil.

Waferboard Acceptability in Europe:

Barriers to EC Market Penetration
TRU Group investigated and assessed the idea of manufacturing waferboard in Quebec based on exporting the total output of the mill to Europe. Conducted extensive marketing research in Europe to assess customer acceptability and competition form other boards.

Biomas Wood Chip Gasifier TRU Group USA CanadaInvestor Techical Due Diligence:

Novel Gasifier Design for Wood Chips
TRU Group assessed the technology and techno-economics of a new design for a wood chips biomass gasifier. The market potential for the design was assessed as well as competitive technologies. TRU Group advised our client on the viability of the business and the risks associated with the proposed investment. Also see wood chips gasification consultant TRU Group Canada USA Europe

New Product Launch in the United States

Retrofit Insulation Product
TRU Group conducted a market study in a United States regional market to assess the acceptability of a new insulation product to be sold to contractors and homeowners. Surveyed contractors and retailers. Made solid conclusions and provided client with product launch strategy.

Electrostatic Precipitators Front-end Engineering

Kraft Recovery Boiler Cycle
TRU Group has significant capability in the front-end engineering of issues related to electrostatic precipitators which capture particulate emissions from recovery boiler exhaust gases in the kraft recovery cycle. The central unit in this process is the recovery boiler, which burns black liquor (a by product of the pulping process). The TRU Group expertise in electrostatic precipitators is also important in clean coal technology and others (such as where metal melting furnaces are is use and in the cememt industry) where particulate capture and environment immissions are a problem.

Graphite Flexibles Product

State-of-the-Art Next-Generation Graphite Flexible Products
TRU Group also studied technologies relates to specialty graphite converting to expanded or expandable flexible sheet, foil and shapes or heat barriers / insulating building products. See TRU Group Flexible Graphite Consultant USA Canada Europe

Concepts for TRU Group Inc pulp & paper consultants: paper, newsprint, printing, lumber, board, forest products, paper products, forest products consultant, abaca pulp, plantain pulp, printing paper, laser printing, wood products, construction materials, insulation, wood chips, wood gasifier, gasification, waste forest products, coated paper, thermal printers, waferboard, building products, building boards, insulating materials, OSB board, boxboard, wafer board, Forest Resources, Trees, hardwood, softwood, paper machine, pulping, chemical pulp, fiber, plantain, hemp, synthetic fiber, carbon coated papers,